KUALA LUMPUR, May 22 (Malaysiaaktif) — Following is the media statement from Malaysia airlines on the operations of MH370 Family Communication and Support Centres in China:
“Malaysia Airlines refers to reports of a staged protest by family members on the withdrawal of the Malaysian and Chinese governments and Malaysia Airlines in the operations of MH370’s Family Communication and Support Centres in China.
The airline wishes to reiterate its commitment to assist those affected via several alternative avenues that have been established and that the reopening of the centres will not be necessary.
As has been communicated to the family members, Malaysia Airlines will continue to provide information and maintain communication through dedicated hotline numbers and email address for the NOKs to enquire on general and compensation matters.
In addition, Malaysia Airlines has reached out to family members in Beijing through a face-to-face engagement on 15 May 2015.
Regular updates will continue to be available on the official website of MH370 via the URL http://www.mh370.gov.my “